OM Infotypes

Hi buddies..

Today we are going to learn about OM Infotypes.

In SAP HR, we store data in infotypes. OM Infotype range is defined between 1000-1999. We can find all OM infotypes using OOIT tcode.

IT1000: Object Infotype : Infotype that determines existence of an object.

IT1001: Relationships Infotype : Infotype that determines relationships between different objects

IT1002: Infotype that contains descriptions of the organisational objects

IT1003: Infotype with which you can allocate a staff indicator to organisational units and positions , or flag organisational units as departments. The staff flag indicates that the organisation unit or position is not a part of normal reporting structure but reports to high-level position or org unit directly.

IT1004:Infotype with which you can categorize the different tasks you maintain in your task
catalog.For example ,you can differentiate between tasks that contribute directly to the products and services your company produces and tasks that are administrative in nature.

IT1006: Restrictions infotype: To identify if there are any restrictions applicable to employees belonging to a cost center

IT1007: Vacancy Infotype: Infotype that specifies which positions are vacant or will be vacant in future.We can create a vacancy period for a position if the employee is going on maternity leave.In a company if differentiation is to be maintained between occupied and unoccupied positions , it is must to maintain vacancy infotype.

IT1008: Account assignment features : Infotype with which we can define account assignment features for organisational units and plans.It plays a role in assignment of cost-centre to the objects.It ensures more integration between OM and PA.

IT1009: Health Examinations infotype: This infotype has two subtypes. First one 'Health exclusions' means employees should not enter into the workcenter food area if they have any ailments like TB.Second one is 'Health Examinations', this infotype specifies particular health examination must be performed on regular basis like regular eye tests and hearing tests are required.

IT1010: Authorities and Resources Infotype: This infotype has two purposes, first one to provide authorities to the positions and work center. Like authority to a position to sign contracts upto 50,000 dollars.Also assigning the authorities to the positions to access different restricted places within the company.The resources assigned to the positions like special equipment like laptops and cars is also maintained in this infotype.

IT1011:Workschedule Infotype: Infotype to define the work schedules for organsitional units, positions, or work centers. This infotype is to maintain consistency in the planned working times for your organisational units, positions , or work centers in order to store the projected volume of work per object.

IT1013: Infotype to maintain employee group and employee subgroup for a position we can use this infotype

IT1014: Infotypes with which positions are no longer required as a result of reorganisation but are still occupied can be flagged as obselete.This will be helpful when we are install the HR Recruitment component , then the component checks for the positions that are obsolete and  provide them with the new positions.

IT1015:Infotype with which information on all cost elements that form part of personnel costs in 
general can be stored.

IT1016:Infotype with which we assign the authorisation profiles defined by the system to the objects like organisational units, jobs , tasks, positions.

IT1017: PD profile infotype: This infotype through which structural authorisations can be created and edited.These structural authorisations control which objects in an organisational plan a user is permitted to display and to execute.

IT1018:Cost distribution:Infotype which determines how costs are distributed between different cost centers.If the cost is distributed among different cost centers, then we will create a record for infotype 1018 where costs are divided among different cost centers.

IT1019:Infotype with which you can plan how many positions, defined on a particular job . We can also plan how many full-time equivalents are needed in future for a particular organisational unit.

IT1027:This is site dependent info infotype . By using this we can relate a calendar to the organisational unit.It applies only to the organisational units where the calendar differs from the default.

IT1028:Address infotype: Infotype in which we can store addresses of companies as well as information about organisational objects and resources.

IT1032: Mail address Infotype:Infotype with which data for message transfer(electronic transformation of information ) can be created.

IT1039: Shift group Infotype : Infotype by which the shift group can be assigned to the organisational unit.

Still we have many infotypes but listed above are the basic infotypes for basic knowledge. We can get any information about any infotype readily available in SAP standard library, where each of these infotypes are explained in detail with examples and uses.Try once before you end this article here...

Happy learning....!!



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