Hiring Action : Part 1

Hi Readers,

Hope you are all enjoying these articles...

As I told you in my previous article that we are going to learn this SAP HR according to the road map which starts from hiring an employee into the company.

To start an action of hiring , we need to enter the T-Code (Transaction code ) PA40 in the Command prompt and then click enter. This transaction code will guide us to the "PERSONNEL ACTIONS" screen.Which will look like this.....

After giving the start date and selecting the hiring in personnel actions click on the execute button in the top left corner of the screen.

By that we will land up on the initial screen of hiring.Which will look something like this...

After entering the personal data like first name , last name and date of birth and selecting the action type as hiring we need to pick the Reason for Action. 

So what is the reason for the action!?
He are we are hiring an employee , it might seem funny to state a reason but let us assume the action here is not hiring but terminating an employee. So if we are terminating an employee we need to specify a reason why we are terminating him. And this reason will be maintained as a part of the employee's master record. Similarly irrespective of what ever action we are performing on the employee we need to provide a reason stating why we are performing that action on that particular employee. SAP by default provided a list of reasons for action. Click on F4 and you will get the available reasons for actions as below.

Pick a reason from here..

Till now we have provided the basic personal details of the employee. Now we need to enter the organisation details where we are going to place him. Like to which position we are going to tag him , to which company , in which area.... everything about the company. These details come under the headline "Organisational assignment"

For example I want to tag Mr. Anand Murthy to the position of manager , such manager position should already exist in that company. So first of all we need to check such position already exists if not we need to create one.How to create a position and a org unit and all we will look in detail in our next articles as of now pick an active employee in the system and map his details to the new employee who is getting hired.

Enter all the details and click on save button. 

Upon saving we can see that a person ID is automatically created by the system.

Hope you learnt something useful here.... see u again !!



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